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    The following surgical procedures are performed in the Oculus Medical Center:

    1. Cataract surgery
    2. Glaucoma surgery
    3. Combined cataract-glaucoma surgery
    4. Vitreo-retinal surgery
    5. Pharmacosurgery
    6. Corneal surgery
    7. Other

    Important information for patients getting ready for surgery is provided at the bottom of the page under Articles link.

    At Oculus Medical Center we utilize the following two techniques of cataract surgery:

    1.1 Phacoemulsification

    It is the perfect technique of cataract surgery. This procedure utilizes a tunnel-shaped 2.0 to 2.5 mm wide incision of the cornea. This incision does not require sutures, the technique thereby being sutureless. A phaco-tip is introduced into the eye via the tunnel incision. Then the cataract is destroyed using ultrasound energy (turned into emulsion) and removed. Instead, a flexible lens is implanted through the tunnel to serve as the eye lens. This artificial lens is folded and implanted into the eye, where it unfolds and is attached in the most perfect physiological location – in the capsule of the natural lens.
    The surgery results in fast restoration of vision.

    At our medical center we perform phacoemulsification of cataract regardless of its maturity degree. The surgery is performed on Laureate or Constellation machinery manufactured by Alcon. We utilized high quality disposables and flexible IOL’s from the world’s best manufacturers, chosen by our patients in accordance with their wishes and resources. This ensures high visual acuity and rapid recovery unless comorbidities are present.

    If cataract is accompanied by myopia or hypermetropia, these are corrected by proper selection of power of the artificial lens. We also implant toric lenses to correct for astigmatism, thus eliminating the need to wear cylindrical spectacles.

    Multifocal or pseudo-accomodating lenses can be implanted to eliminate presbyopia. This type of IOL improves visual acuity without the use of spectacles at different focal distances, including close, large distance, and at computer.

    State of the art equipment and techniques enable us to perform phacoemulsification:

    • Without injections and without any pain
    • Within 10 to 15 minutes
    • As an out-patient procedure
    • Enabling the patient to return to work within several days

    Relative contraindications to phacoemulsification:

    • Mature brown cataract
    • Marked phacodonesis
    • Complicated post-traumatic cataract (ruptured suspensory ligament)
    • Opacification of cornea

    1.2. Extracapsular cataract extraction

    In some cases, when phacoemulsification is not an option because of the contraindications, extracapsular cataract extraction is performed.
    The surgeon removes the nucleus of the lens as a whole, without destroying it with ultrasound. Therefore this procedure requires a longer incision, than phacoemulsification. After implantation of the artificial lens the incision is sealed with sutures.

    Extracapsular cataract extraction is reserved for complicated cases only and requires high surgical qualification. This is not a procedure to be performed at every clinic!
    Owing to the high expertise of our surgeons and the cutting edge equipment, we are able to perform subluxated or luxated lens removal combined with vitrectomy, IOL suturing to the sclera, as well as anti-glaucoma surgery.

    Deep non-penetrating sclerectomy
    It is an advanced and safe technique of glaucoma treatment. It consists in creation of additional drainage by removing the external wall of the Schlemm’s canal and the juxtacanalicular part of the trabecule without penetrating the anterior chamber.

    Limited endotrabeculectomy
    The least traumatic glaucoma treatment technique. This method was developed by professor I.Ya.Novytsky, our clinic’s leading expert. Here the additional drainage is created by removing the external juxtacanalicuar part of trabecule, but from the angle of anterior chamber. The procedure is performed via 1.2 mm incision (like the one used for phacoemulcification), which does not require sutures. This is another example of sutureless surgery.

    These procedures alleviate the sharp changes of intraocular pressure (the key factor in complications associated with other glaucoma treatment techniques). Combined cataract-glaucoma surgery may be indicated as well.

    What should you know if diagnosed with glaucoma?

    • You need follow-up by ophthalmologist. If untreated, the condition progresses rapidly and leads to blindness.
    • Any treatment for glaucoma, including medications, aims at reduction of intraocular pressure. It should be remembered however, that normal intraocular pressure varies and may change over time.
    • Medications maintain the balance of liquid in the eye artificially rather than normalize it, so if antihypertensive drops are discontinued, the intraocular pressure will rise.
    • Glaucoma surgery leads to normalization of the intraocular fluid balance and allows to discontinue the medications or to simplify the regimen greatly.
    • Fighting glaucoma requires patient’s, as well as doctor’s effort. The healthcare provider has to help the patient master self-control techniques, take medications properly, and learn the rules of out-patient follow-up. However only the patient him or herself can apply these measures.

    Anti-glaucoma surgery technique developed by our clinic’s leading expert professor I.Ya.Novytskiy is remarkable in that it may be combined with the modern technique of cataract surgery. The procedure is performed via a 1.2 mm incision, like the one used for cataract phacoemulcification.

    This state of the art approach has a number of advantages:

    • Two procedures for two different conditions (cataract and glaucoma) are performed within one visit.
    • Both procedures utilize the same approach incisions, thereby causing no additional trauma to the eye.
    • The surgery is twice shorter, and associated with less emotional distress.
    • The patient saves a lot of money.
    • This gives us double result.

    Vitreo-retinal surgery comprises an intensely developing branch of ophthalmic surgery. This microscopic technique is similar to endoscopic general surgery. Needle-sized microscopic ports are inserted into the eye, serving to maintain the intraocular pressure and to introduce the working instruments (lighting, cutter, tweezers, scissors, laser coagulator, etc.).

    Complex approach, and the importance and delicate anatomy of the posterior eyeball are factors requiring extreme precision and concentration during these types of surgery. This is the cutting edge technique in micro-surgery.

    Leading experts of our clinic (ophthalmology professor I.Ya.Novytskiy, higher category ophthalmologist T.M.Smal) are the founders of vitreo-retinal surgery in Western Ukraine. Their experience and high expertise are sufficient for the most complex types of surgery.

    This gives us the ability to help patients with the following grave conditions:

    • Retinal detachment
    • Diabetic proliferative retinopathy (removal of proliferative membranes, removal of the internal delimiting membrane, fractional retinal detachment, laser endocoagulation of the retina).
    • Vitreous body hemorrhage (hemophthalmus)
    • Macular traction syndrome
    • Macular hole
    • Opacification of the vitreous body
    • Asteroid hyalosis
    • Intraocular foreign bodies
    • Lens luxation into the vitreous body
    • Preretinal and subretinal hemorrhage
    • Subretinal fibrosis
    • Endophthalmitis and other conditions

    In our clinic we perform these surgical procedures under the state of the art operating microscope OMS-800 from Topcon (Japan), and the Alcon Constellation vision system (USA). A wide choice of the world’s best disposable is offered to our patient. 25 Gauge technique enables us to perform sutureless surgery with minimal eye trauma.

    Thus, Oculus Medical Center is one of the few well-equipped and staffed vitreoretinal surgery centers of the Western Ukraine.
    Thereby our patients obtain proper medical care without having to travel to distant medical centers.

    We constantly follow the latest advances in ophthalmology in Europe and worldwide. One of such new approaches is pharmacosurgery. This technique implies administration of medications into the eye. The procedure last just a couple of seconds, no longer than a typical injection. However, the injection into the eyeball requires aseptic technique and is therefore performed in the operating room after appropriate preparation.

    The most common indications are:

    • Diabetic edema of the central part of the retina
    • Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (prior to vitreo-retinal surgery)
    • Vitreous body hemorrhage (hemophthalmus)
    • Wet age-related macular degeneration (if neovascular membrane is formed)
    • Central retinal vein thrombosis

    Medications for intraocular administration may include endothelial growth factor inhibitors, long-acting corticosteroids, antithrombotic and fibrinolytic medications.

    1. Modified conjunctival keratoplasty
    2. Pterygium removal surgery
    3. Limbal autografting
    4. Laser surgery on the cornea (Excimer-laser vision correction)

    7. Other

    • Rupture buckling for retinal tears
    • Circular laser treatment for retinal tears
    • Surgery for strabismus
    • Surgery for nasolacrimal duct obstruction and dacryocystitis
    • Dacryocysto-rhinostomy
    • Lacrimal sac extirpation
    • Eyelid surgery
    • Removal of chalazion, xanthelasma, cyst
    • For ptosis: upper eyelid levator shortening
    • For lower eyelid eversion
    • Eyeball enucleation and evisceration
    Ihor Novytskiy
    Ihor Novytskiy
    - is the first Ukrainian professor of Ophthalmology in the Western Ukraine.

    Graduate of the Medical Faculty of Ivano-Frankivsk Medical Institute. Head of Ophthalmology Department at Sambir District Hospital (1992); Ophthalmologist at Sana Hospital, Yemen (1990-1992); Assisting Professor (1993-1997), Associate Professor (1997-2004), Professor (since 2004) of the Department of Ophthalmology at Lviv National Danylo Halytskiy Medical University.   Since 2004 – Head of Lviv Municipal Medical Center for Eye Microsurgery.

    Candidate of Medical Science (1986), Associate Professor (1998), Doctor of Medical Science (2004), Professor (2004).
    Scientific research: diagnosis, clinical features and treatment of corneal disorders, surgical treatment of glaucoma, pharmacological surgery.
    Author of approximately 100 scientific papers and textbooks, including 4 Ukrainian patents, one certificate of authorship, one textbook, one didactic handbook. Scientific supervisor of 4 dissertations.

    Key scientific works:
    Experimental and clinical studies on efficacy of dioxidine phonophoresis in treatment of bacterial keratitis and corneal ulcers (dissertation). Lviv, 1986;
    – Eye diseases (text-book for medical schools and colleges). Kyiv, Zdorovya, 1998;
    – Efficacy of amniotic membrane transplantation for experimental models of corneal pathology accompanied
    with neovascularization. AbstrInt Сonf Аpplication of Аmniotic Membranein Ophthalmology. Warsaw, 2000;
    – Role of amniotic membrane grafting in treatment of corneal disorders associated with neovascularization. Ophthalmology Review, 2003, Vol.6;
    – Regulation of neovascularization in treatment of corneal disorders (experimental and clinical study) (dissertation). Lviv, 2004;
    – Efficacy of trabecula removal via the anterior chamber angle in primary open angle glaucoma. Ophthalmology journal. – 2012. – Vol. 2. – P. 19-21.

    Major specialisms:
    – Surgery of cataract (phaco-emulsification, implantation of all types of artificial lenses)
    – Surgery of glaucoma (penetrating and non-penetrating surgery, endotrabeculectomy – removal of trabeculas through the anterior chamber angle)
    – Pharmacosurgery (intraocular injections for retinal disorders)
    – Vitreo-retinal surgery (retinal detachment, diabetic eye disorders, vitreous hemorrhages, macular holes, etc.)

    First implementation of pharmacsurgery and vitreo-retinal surgery in the Western Ukraine. Development and authorship of trabecula removal via the anterior chamber angle in open angle glaucoma.
    Over 10,000 successful surgical procedures of highest complexity level.

    Tetyana Smal
    Tetyana Smal
    - – Candidate of Medical Science, ophthalmologist of the higher qualification category.

    Graduate of the Medical Faculty of Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Institute.

    Medical license as ophthalmologist obtained after 3-year internship at Lviv State Medical Institute. Employed from 1996 through 2004 at the Regional Eye Trauma Center in Lviv Municipal Emergency Care Hospital.

    Since 2004 – ophthalmologist at Lviv Municipal Medical Center for Eye Microsurgery.
    Degree of Candidate of Medical Science in Ophthalmology awarded in 2008. Theme of dissertation: Efficiency of Amniotic Membrane Grafting for Non-Infectious Corneal Ulcers.

    Proficient in extra- and intracapsular cataract extraction (phacoemulsification included), various types of glaucoma surgery, surgical treatment of eye trauma. Experienced in reconstructive surgery, including iridoplasty, vitrectomy, extracapsular cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation, keratoplasty, blepharoplasty. Author of over 40 scientific papers. Co-author of two inventions.

    Member of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, European VitreoRetinal Society, Association of Ophthalmologists-Neuroophthalmologists and Glaucomatologists of Ukraine, Association of Ophthalmologists of Ukraine, senior ophthalmologist of Lviv Municipal Healthcare Administration.

    Official gratitude from the Mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovyy awarded in 2012 for the diligent work and significant contribution to the healthcare system of Lviv.

    Olha Plevachuk
    Olha Plevachuk
    - is ophthalmologist, vitreo-retinal surgeon, laser ophthalmic surgeon.

    Specialisms: laser correction of vision, vitreo-retinal surgery, cataract phacoemulsification, glaucoma surgery; diagnosis of eye disorders: fluorescent angiography, keratotopography, optical coherent tomography, computer perimetry, US-biometry.

    Graduate of Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University.

    2006-2008 – residency in ophthalmology in the 6th Communal Municipal Hospital, Municipal Medical Center for Eye Microsurgery, and in Danylo Halytskiy Lviv National Medical University.

    2008-2009 – ophthalmologist at Hirudo-Med medical center.
    Since 2009 – ophthalmologist at Oculus Ophthalmology Clinic and at 2nd Lviv Communal Municipal Polyclinic

    Since 2010р. – ophthalmologist at Municipal Center for Eye Microsurgery of 8th Municipal Communal Clinical Hospital.

    Postgraduate education:
    2010 – Lasers in Ophthalmology course, V.P. Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases of the Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine
    2011 – Eye Microsurgery, IOL Implantation and Phacoemulsification Methods course, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
    2011 – qualifying course at the Department of Eye Diseases of Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University
    2013 – Vitreo-Retinal Surgery course, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

    Oksana Antymys
    Oksana Antymys
    - ophthalmologist

    Specialisms: diagnosis of eye diseases, keratotopography, fluorescent angiography, optic coherent tomography, computer perimetry, ultrasonography of the eye.

    Graduate of Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University.
    Since 2006 – ophthalmologist at 3rd Lviv Municipal Clinical Hospital.
    Since 2009 – ophthalmologist at Oculus Clinic.
    2011 – Continued education course at Lviv National Danylo Halytskiy Medical University.

    Линда Наталія Євгенівна
    Nataliya Lynda
    Линда Наталія Євгенівна
    Nataliya Lynda
    - ophthalmologist, laser ophthalmic surgeon.

    Specialisms: laser treatment, diagnosis of eye diseases, keratotopography, fluorescent angiography, optic coherent tomography, computer perimetry, ultrasonography of the eye.

    Graduate of Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University.
    2009 – ophthalmologist at Lviv Airlines
    2009 – Course in Ophthalmology for Aviation and Space at Ukrainian Military Medical Academy
    2010 – ophthalmologist at Lviv Railway DTHO Polyclinic.
    Since 2011 – ophthalmologist at Oculus clinic.
    2013 – Lasers in Ophthalmology course at Filatov Institute, Odesa.

    Oksana Semchyshyn
    Oksana Semchyshyn
    - ophthalmologist of the first category

    Specialisms: diagnosis of eye diseases, keratotopography, optic coherent tomography, computer perimetry, ultrasound biometry.

    Graduate of Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University.

    Since 2003 – ophthalmologist at Lviv Railway Polyclinic.
    Since 2006 – ophthalmologist at Oculus Medical Center

    Vitaliya Demchuk
    Vitaliya Demchuk
    - ophthalmologist, laser ophthalmic surgeon.

    Specialisms: laser treatment, diagnosis of eye diseases, keratotopography, fluorescent angiography, optic coherent tomography, computer perimetry, ultrasound biometry.

    Graduate of Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University.

    Since 2013 – Ophthalmologist at the District Military Commissariate medical commission of the 4th Communal Polyclinic in Lviv.
    Since 2013 – ophthalmologist at Oculus Medical Center.
    2013 – Lasers in Ophthalmology course at Filatov Institute, Odesa.

    Лопадчак Ростислав Михайлович
    Rostyslav Lopadchak
    Лопадчак Ростислав Михайлович
    Rostyslav Lopadchak
    Yaroslav Andriyuk
    Yaroslav Andriyuk
    - ophthalmologist

    Specialisms: diagnosis of eye diseases, fluorescent angiography, keratotopography, optic coherent tomography, computer perimetry, ultrasound biometry.

    Graduate of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University.

    Residency in ophthalmology in the 8th Communal Municipal Hospital, Municipal Medical Center for Eye Microsurgery, and in Danylo Halytskiy Lviv National Medical University.
    Since 2014 – ophthalmologist at Oculus Medical Center and in Khodoriv District Hospital.

    Uliana Tomkiv
    Uliana Tomkiv
    Федус Ярина Зеновіївна
    Fedus Yaryna
    Федус Ярина Зеновіївна
    Fedus Yaryna
    Dereviahin Dmytro
    Dereviahin Dmytro
    Anna Shpychak
    Anna Shpychak
    - pediatric ophthalmologist

    Specialization: diagnosis of eye diseases (optical coherence tomography, computer perimetry, ultrasound examination of the organ of vision).


    2021 – graduated from the Danylo Halytskyi LNMU, specialty “Medical business”.

    2021-2023 – Internship at the LMMC “Microsurgery of the Eye” St. Luke’s Hospital, Lviv.

    2023 – Specialization “Pediatric Ophthalmology”, “Strabology” Kyiv

    Conferences – “Milano Retina 2022”

    Троян Ольга Володимирівна
    Troian Olha
    Троян Ольга Володимирівна
    Troian Olha
    Trust earned by work!