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    Ihor Novytskiy
    Ihor Novytskiy
    is the first Ukrainian professor of Ophthalmology in the Western Ukraine.

    Graduate of the Medical Faculty of Ivano-Frankivsk Medical Institute. Head of Ophthalmology Department at Sambir District Hospital (1992); Ophthalmologist at Sana Hospital, Yemen (1990-1992); Assisting Professor (1993-1997), Associate Professor (1997-2004), Professor (since 2004) of the Department of Ophthalmology at Lviv National Danylo Halytskiy Medical University.   Since 2004 – Head of Lviv Municipal Medical Center for Eye Microsurgery.

    Candidate of Medical Science (1986), Associate Professor (1998), Doctor of Medical Science (2004), Professor (2004).
    Scientific research: diagnosis, clinical features and treatment of corneal disorders, surgical treatment of glaucoma, pharmacological surgery.
    Author of approximately 100 scientific papers and textbooks, including 4 Ukrainian patents, one certificate of authorship, one textbook, one didactic handbook. Scientific supervisor of 4 dissertations.

    Key scientific works:
    Experimental and clinical studies on efficacy of dioxidine phonophoresis in treatment of bacterial keratitis and corneal ulcers (dissertation). Lviv, 1986;
    – Eye diseases (text-book for medical schools and colleges). Kyiv, Zdorovya, 1998;
    – Efficacy of amniotic membrane transplantation for experimental models of corneal pathology accompanied
    with neovascularization. AbstrInt Сonf Аpplication of Аmniotic Membranein Ophthalmology. Warsaw, 2000;
    – Role of amniotic membrane grafting in treatment of corneal disorders associated with neovascularization. Ophthalmology Review, 2003, Vol.6;
    – Regulation of neovascularization in treatment of corneal disorders (experimental and clinical study) (dissertation). Lviv, 2004;
    – Efficacy of trabecula removal via the anterior chamber angle in primary open angle glaucoma. Ophthalmology journal. – 2012. – Vol. 2. – P. 19-21.

    Major specialisms:
    – Surgery of cataract (phaco-emulsification, implantation of all types of artificial lenses)
    – Surgery of glaucoma (penetrating and non-penetrating surgery, endotrabeculectomy – removal of trabeculas through the anterior chamber angle)
    – Pharmacosurgery (intraocular injections for retinal disorders)
    – Vitreo-retinal surgery (retinal detachment, diabetic eye disorders, vitreous hemorrhages, macular holes, etc.)

    First implementation of pharmacsurgery and vitreo-retinal surgery in the Western Ukraine. Development and authorship of trabecula removal via the anterior chamber angle in open angle glaucoma.
    Over 10,000 successful surgical procedures of highest complexity level.

    Tetyana Smal
    Tetyana Smal
    – Candidate of Medical Science, ophthalmologist of the higher qualification category.

    Graduate of the Medical Faculty of Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Institute.

    Medical license as ophthalmologist obtained after 3-year internship at Lviv State Medical Institute. Employed from 1996 through 2004 at the Regional Eye Trauma Center in Lviv Municipal Emergency Care Hospital.

    Since 2004 – ophthalmologist at Lviv Municipal Medical Center for Eye Microsurgery.
    Degree of Candidate of Medical Science in Ophthalmology awarded in 2008. Theme of dissertation: Efficiency of Amniotic Membrane Grafting for Non-Infectious Corneal Ulcers.

    Proficient in extra- and intracapsular cataract extraction (phacoemulsification included), various types of glaucoma surgery, surgical treatment of eye trauma. Experienced in reconstructive surgery, including iridoplasty, vitrectomy, extracapsular cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation, keratoplasty, blepharoplasty. Author of over 40 scientific papers. Co-author of two inventions.

    Member of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, European VitreoRetinal Society, Association of Ophthalmologists-Neuroophthalmologists and Glaucomatologists of Ukraine, Association of Ophthalmologists of Ukraine, senior ophthalmologist of Lviv Municipal Healthcare Administration.

    Official gratitude from the Mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovyy awarded in 2012 for the diligent work and significant contribution to the healthcare system of Lviv.

    Olha Plevachuk
    Olha Plevachuk
    is ophthalmologist, vitreo-retinal surgeon, laser ophthalmic surgeon.

    Specialisms: laser correction of vision, vitreo-retinal surgery, cataract phacoemulsification, glaucoma surgery; diagnosis of eye disorders: fluorescent angiography, keratotopography, optical coherent tomography, computer perimetry, US-biometry.

    Graduate of Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University.

    2006-2008 – residency in ophthalmology in the 6th Communal Municipal Hospital, Municipal Medical Center for Eye Microsurgery, and in Danylo Halytskiy Lviv National Medical University.

    2008-2009 – ophthalmologist at Hirudo-Med medical center.
    Since 2009 – ophthalmologist at Oculus Ophthalmology Clinic and at 2nd Lviv Communal Municipal Polyclinic

    Since 2010р. – ophthalmologist at Municipal Center for Eye Microsurgery of 8th Municipal Communal Clinical Hospital.

    Postgraduate education:
    2010 – Lasers in Ophthalmology course, V.P. Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases of the Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine
    2011 – Eye Microsurgery, IOL Implantation and Phacoemulsification Methods course, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
    2011 – qualifying course at the Department of Eye Diseases of Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University
    2013 – Vitreo-Retinal Surgery course, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

    Oksana Antymys
    Oksana Antymys

    Specialisms: diagnosis of eye diseases, keratotopography, fluorescent angiography, optic coherent tomography, computer perimetry, ultrasonography of the eye.

    Graduate of Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University.
    Since 2006 – ophthalmologist at 3rd Lviv Municipal Clinical Hospital.
    Since 2009 – ophthalmologist at Oculus Clinic.
    2011 – Continued education course at Lviv National Danylo Halytskiy Medical University.

    Линда Наталія Євгенівна
    Nataliya Lynda
    Линда Наталія Євгенівна
    Nataliya Lynda
    ophthalmologist, laser ophthalmic surgeon.

    Specialisms: laser treatment, diagnosis of eye diseases, keratotopography, fluorescent angiography, optic coherent tomography, computer perimetry, ultrasonography of the eye.

    Graduate of Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University.
    2009 – ophthalmologist at Lviv Airlines
    2009 – Course in Ophthalmology for Aviation and Space at Ukrainian Military Medical Academy
    2010 – ophthalmologist at Lviv Railway DTHO Polyclinic.
    Since 2011 – ophthalmologist at Oculus clinic.
    2013 – Lasers in Ophthalmology course at Filatov Institute, Odesa.

    Oksana Semchyshyn
    Oksana Semchyshyn
    ophthalmologist of the first category

    Specialisms: diagnosis of eye diseases, keratotopography, optic coherent tomography, computer perimetry, ultrasound biometry.

    Graduate of Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University.

    Since 2003 – ophthalmologist at Lviv Railway Polyclinic.
    Since 2006 – ophthalmologist at Oculus Medical Center

    Sydorchuk Ulyana Petrivna
    Sydorchuk Ulyana Petrivna

    Specialization — general and instrumental diagnostics:

    • keratotopography;
    • computer perimetry;
    • optical coherence tomography;
    • ultrasound examination;
    • treatment of eye diseases;
    • IOL selection.


    In 2018, she graduated from D. Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University.

    In 2018-2020, internship in the specialty “Ophthalmology” at the D. Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University on the basis of the 8th MCL “Microsurgery of the eye” and the microsurgical department of the Volyn Regional Hospital in Lutsk.

    In 2020, he is an ophthalmologist at the Lutsk Children’s City Polyclinic.

    Since 2020, he has been a post-graduate student of the Ophthalmology Department of the D. Halytsky Lviv National Medical University.

    Since 2021, he is an ophthalmologist at the RZN Center.

    Since 2022, he is an ophthalmologist at the Oculus Medical Center and Lviv Medical Center.

    Internships abroad, conferences and seminars:

    2019. Multidisciplinary master class “Look at glaucoma more broadly” (Kyiv)

    2020 Scientific and practical conference “Diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes. A multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment” (Kyiv)

    2020. Master classes within the scientific and practical conference with international participation “Refractive plein air 2020”, (Kyiv)

    2020 Scientific and practical conference with international participation “OPHTALMICHUB2020” (Kyiv)

    2021 Scientific and practical seminar: “Ophthalmic iSchool in the focus of cataracts”, (Kyiv)

    2021 Scientific and practical conference “Ophthalmology UpToDate. Theoretical foundations and clinical cases” (Kyiv)

    2021 Thematic improvement courses “Vascular pathology of the retina” (LNMU named after D. Halytskyi)

    2022. Scientific and practical conference with international participation “A new look at ophthalmology” (Krakow, Poland)

    2022, clinical practice in MC (Zamostia, Poland) “Young science 3.0”, Kyiv

    2021. “One must see one’s childhood”, Bugaz, Odesa region

    2021 “World medicine in the everyday practice of an ophthalmologist”, Kyiv

    2021 “Art of treatment”, Lviv

    2022 IV Międzynarodowa Konferencja: “OD NAUKI DO PRAKTYKI – okulistyka katamarany”, Gdańsk, 27-28.05 2022;

    2022 II Międzynarodowa Konferencja Szkoleniowa: “Nowe spojrzenie na okulistykę”, Kraków, 21-22.05. 2022.

    2022. Scientific and practical conference with international participation: “One must see one’s childhood”, Kyiv, June 11, 2022;

    2022 Scientific and practical conference accredited in Ukraine by EACCME:
    “OPHTALMICHUB2022”, Kyiv, November 25-26, 2022;

    2022 Scientific and practical conference with international participation: “Glaucoma + 2022. Glaucoma. Cataract. Eye diabetes”, Kyiv, September 9, 2022;

    2023 Master classes within the framework of the international scientific and practical conference: “Practical ophthalmology. Medical and environmental problems of today”, Riga-Kyiv, Odesa (telemyst), February 23-24, 2023: “Neuritis of the optic nerve. Differential diagnosis. Treatment”, 23 February 2023

    2023. Master class: “Ophthalmological Quadrivium”, Lviv, February 4-5, 2023;

    2023 Scientific and practical conference on ophthalmic surgery with international participation:
    “Ophthalmic Light. Ophthalmic surgery in Ukraine 2023”, Kyiv, March 3-4, 2023.

    Vitaliya Demchuk
    Vitaliya Demchuk
    ophthalmologist, laser ophthalmic surgeon.

    Specialisms: laser treatment, diagnosis of eye diseases, keratotopography, fluorescent angiography, optic coherent tomography, computer perimetry, ultrasound biometry.

    Graduate of Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University.

    Since 2013 – Ophthalmologist at the District Military Commissariate medical commission of the 4th Communal Polyclinic in Lviv.
    Since 2013 – ophthalmologist at Oculus Medical Center.
    2013 – Lasers in Ophthalmology course at Filatov Institute, Odesa.

    Лопадчак Ростислав Михайлович
    Rostyslav Lopadchak
    Лопадчак Ростислав Михайлович
    Rostyslav Lopadchak

    Yaroslav Andriyuk
    Yaroslav Andriyuk

    Specialisms: diagnosis of eye diseases, fluorescent angiography, keratotopography, optic coherent tomography, computer perimetry, ultrasound biometry.

    Graduate of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University.

    Residency in ophthalmology in the 8th Communal Municipal Hospital, Municipal Medical Center for Eye Microsurgery, and in Danylo Halytskiy Lviv National Medical University.
    Since 2014 – ophthalmologist at Oculus Medical Center and in Khodoriv District Hospital.

    Uliana Tomkiv
    Uliana Tomkiv

    Федус Ярина Зеновіївна
    Fedus Yaryna
    Федус Ярина Зеновіївна
    Fedus Yaryna

    Dereviahin Dmytro
    Dereviahin Dmytro

    Anna Shpychak
    Anna Shpychak
    pediatric ophthalmologist

    Specialization: diagnosis of eye diseases (optical coherence tomography, computer perimetry, ultrasound examination of the organ of vision).


    2021 – graduated from the Danylo Halytskyi LNMU, specialty “Medical business”.

    2021-2023 – Internship at the LMMC “Microsurgery of the Eye” St. Luke’s Hospital, Lviv.

    2023 – Specialization “Pediatric Ophthalmology”, “Strabology” Kyiv

    Conferences – “Milano Retina 2022”

    Троян Ольга Володимирівна
    Troian Olha
    Троян Ольга Володимирівна
    Troian Olha

    Andriy Faynyk
    Andriy Faynyk

    Mykhaylo Danylyuk
    Ultrasound imaging
    Mykhaylo Danylyuk

    Specialisms: Ultrasonography of abdomen, gynecology, urology, thyroid, mammary glands, joints, soft tissues, lymphatic nodes.

    2011 – graduation from Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University.
    2011 through 2013 – residency in radiology at Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital.
    2013 – X-ray Imaging and Ultrasound imaging courses at Radiology Department of Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University.

    Maryan Faynyk
    Ultrasound imaging
    Maryan Faynyk
    functional diagnosis physician (echocardiography)

    Graduate of Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University.
    2012 to 2014 – Internship at Lviv Regional Clinical Pediatric Hospital.

    2012-2015 – Fellowship in echocardiography at Simex-Sono Ultrasonography Diagnostic and Training Center under guidance of Professor Yuriy Ivaniv.

    (User of the following ultrasound scanners: Acuson Aspen , Imagic Agile. , Toshiba Xario, Acuson sequoia, Philips HD7, Mindray DC-T6).

    2010 – practical ultrasonography training in Georges Pompidou Hospital, Paris, France.

    2011 – fellowship at Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kyyiv.

    Nov. 20-30, 2012 – presentation titled ‘Reforming Healthcare: Construct the Future Together’, London, UK.

    March 2012 – participation in seminar organized by the International Medical Society EPSA, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium.

    June 2013 – Scientific and Medical Summer School, Timisoara, Romania.

    Aug. 31 through Sept. 04, 2013 – participation in the European Congress of Cardiologists, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

    Aug. 30 through Sept. 03, 2014 – participation in the European Congress of Cardiologists, Barcelona, Spain.

    Oct. 16-17, 2017 – International Rare Heart Disease Conference, Krakow.

    2014 – Continued education course in functional diagnosis at P.L.Shupyk National Postgraduate Education Academy, Kyiv. License of functional diagnosis physician issued.

    Since 2004 – pediatrician at Busk Central District Hospital.
    Since January 2015 – functional diagnosis physician (echocardiography) at Lviv Regional Specialized Clinic for Radiation Protection, Lviv, Vul. Morozna, 31a.

    Oct. 01 through Oct. 30, 2015р – continued education course in functional diagnosis at P.L. Shupyk National Postgraduate Education Academy, Kyiv: What is new in diagnosis of cardiovascular pathology in children?

    Pelik Andrij
    Pelik Andrij
    Gulay Iryna Yaroslavivna
    Gulay Iryna Yaroslavivna
    obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

    Specialist in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, specialist in ultrasound diagnostics. 15 years of experience.
    In 2002-2008, she graduated from D. Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
    In 2008-2011, she completed an internship in the specialty “Obstetrics and gynecology.
    Since 2008, he has been working at the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital in the maternity ward.
    Since 2019, he has been working at Bibrska ML in women’s counseling.
    In 2018, she obtained a specialization in diagnostic ultrasound at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education of LNMU named after D.
    In 2018, she passed the thematic improvement in the field of colposcopy at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education LNMU named after D. Halytskyi.
    Consultative reception of pregnant women.
    *Preparation for pregnancy.
    *Management and support of pregnancy.
    * Colposcopy of pregnant women
    Observation of the course of pregnancy, the state of the fetus and the mother.

    Diagnoses and treats diseases of the cervix, treatment of cervical erosion, dysplasia, treatment of urogenital infections, pelvic inflammatory diseases, leiomyoma, hormonal disorders, menstrual cycle disorders, female infertility…
    At the same time, he uses modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, colposcopy.
    Conducts ultrasound examination
    *Pelvic organs.
    * Thyroid gland
    *Mammary glands
    *Ultrasound of pregnancy at different times, 1st and 2nd screening, dopplerometry, BPP.
    *Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity
    Constantly takes part in various conferences and seminars devoted to gynecology and

    Burgan Maria
    Burgan Maria
    Повх Маркіян Юрійович
    Markiyan Povkh
    Повх Маркіян Юрійович
    Markiyan Povkh
    urologist, surgeon-urologist

    Specialisms: endoscopy (laparoscopy, transurethral surgery).

    Graduate of Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University.
    2004-2006 – residency in urology at Urology Department of Lviv National Danylo Halytskiy Medical University.
    2006-2008 – Clinical ordinatorship in urology at Urology Department of Lviv National Danylo Halytskiy Medical University.
    – Specialty training in healthcare management
    – Statistician at Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital
    2008 – Urologist at Peremyshlyany Central District Hospital (6 months)
    2008 till present
    – Urologist at Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital Urology Department
    – Statistician at Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital
    – Administrator of the official web-page of Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital (www.hospital.lviv.ua)

    Since the beginning of practical career:
    – Over 800 patients treated, including 620 patients operated. Proficient at endoscopy (cystoscopy, uretheroscopy, transurethral procedures, biopsies, minor urology, etc.)
    – Trained in advanced minimally-invasive urological techniques, laparoscopic techniques (at courses), diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis, urogenital inflammatory diseases, urinary incontinence in women.
    – Fellowship in laparoscopy in urology (Kielce Regional Oncology Center, Poland).
    – Participant of national and international medical conferences (Meeting of the Association of Urologists of Ukraine, Ukrainian-Polish symposia, conferences on innovations in medicine)
    – Management of the local computer network of the Urology Department using dedicated software; involved in the implementation of modern IT in practical medicine.

    Kryzhanivska Mariia
    Dental care
    Kryzhanivska Mariia
    дитячий стоматолог
    Myroslava Tytyuk
    Dental care
    Myroslava Tytyuk

    Specialisms: conservative dentistry, pediatric dentistry, dental orthopedics

    2008 – graduation from Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University, Dental Faculty.
    2008-2010 – residency at Lviv Regional Dental Clinic
    2010-2015 – dentist at Doctor Hotsko Modern Dental Clinic, Horodok
    2011 – specialty training in conservative dentistry at Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University
    2011-2013 – dentist at Dental Clinic, Lviv
    2014 – specialty training in dental orthopedics at Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University.
    2014 – dentist at Oculus Medical Center

    Scientific and practical seminars:
    2008 – Prediction of Success in Frontal Esthetic Restoration
    2008 – Esthetic Frontal Restauration and Key Stages of Direct and Indirect Lateral Restoration
    2008 – X-ray Imaging in Out-Patient Dental Practice
    2008 – Clinical Aspects of Local Anesthesia in Dentistry
    2010 – ABC’s of Manual Scaling
    2010 – Endodontics according to the Book. 2. Broken Instruments. Microaccess.
    2010 – Fellowship in professional hygiene
    2011 – Practical Endodontics
    2011 – Simple Solutions for Complex Canals
    2011 – Holistic Approach to Treatment and Recovery in Dentistry
    2011 – Endodontics according to the Book. 3. The Art of Instrumentation
    2012 – Advances in Adhesive Dentistry
    2012 – Revisional Endodontic Treatment. Conservative and Surgical Approaches
    2012 – Endodontic Treatment using Modern Nickel-Titanium Rotational Instruments ProTaper Universal
    2013 – License-Based Medical Practice in 2013
    2014 – Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols for the Most Common Oral Mucosa Disorders
    2015 – Direct and Indirect Restoration of Frontal Teeth. Composite and Ceramics. Styleltaliano and MicroVision Philosophy

    Maryana Mazur
    Dental care
    Maryana Mazur

    Specialism: general dentistry

    Graduate of Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University in 2013 in Dentistry.

    2011 – Fellowship in Vienna, Austria, with Dr. Lemberg.
    2013-2015 – Residency in Lutsk Central District Hospital.

    Courses and workshops:
    1. Emergency Care Round Table
    2. Philosophy of Implantology. Pros and cons. Introductory Course.
    3. Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols for the Most Common Oral Mucosa Disorders
    4. Restoration of Destroyed Frontal Teeth.
    5. Conservative Treatment in Pediatric Dentistry
    6. Hygiene as an Integral Part of Modern Dental Practice

    Khrystyna Krukenytska
    Dental care
    Khrystyna Krukenytska

    Victoria Herasymenko
    Victoria Herasymenko
    endocrinologist of higher qualification category

    Total work experience – 19 years, including 15 years in the current specialty.

    Graduation from Lviv State Medical Institute in 1993. 1995 through 1997 – residency in internal medicine at Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital.

    1997-1999 – primary care physician at 6th Communal Municipal Hospital. Since November 1999 – endocrinologist at the 6th Communal Municipal Clinic of Lviv.
    In 2000 – specialty training in endocrinology in Kyyiv Medical Academy for Postgraduate Education
    Since 2000 – member of Ukrainian Diabetic Association.
    Since 2002 – member of Ukrainian Society of Physicians in Lviv.
    Since 2007 – leading endocrinologist of the Healthcare Department.
    Since 2012 – part time job as endocrinologist at Lviv Regional Center for Reproductive Health.

    Last courses, conferences (workshops):
    IV Ukrainian Training Course on Diabetes Mellitus, 19-21 April, 2012, Kyyiv
    Scientific and Practical Conference on Advanced Technology in Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of the Most Common Endocrine Disorders, 25-26 October, 2012, Lviv
    Diabetes Mellitus School, 6 December 2012, Lviv
    International Conference on Hot Topics in Clinical Thyreology, 25 June 2013, Kyyiv.

    Sofia Sodomora
    Sofia Sodomora

    Psychotherapist at Lviv Municipal Clinical Emergency Care Hospital since 2003. Guest lecturer at Theology Department of Ukrainian Catholic University.

    2000 – graduation from Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University
    2000-2001 – Residency in Neurology
    2003 – Specialty Training in Psychotherapy at Psychiatrics and Psychotherapy Department of Lviv National Danylo Halytskiy Medical University
    2004 – Completion of Ukrainian-Austrian psychoterapeutic project ‘Truskavets’ in Client-Centered Psychotherapy
    2008-2009 – Basic training in trauma therapy and EMDR method at EMDR Institut Austria
    2012 – Specialty training in Psychiatrics at Psychiatrics and Psychotherapy Department of Lviv National Danylo Halytskiy Medical University

    Key specialisms: psychosomatic disorders, panic depressive disorders, acute stress reactions, post-traumatic stress disorders, depression secondary to infarction and stroke.

    Oksana Hurska
    Oksana Hurska
    neurologist of the higher qualification category, Master of Medicine

    Specialism: general neurology.

    1995 – graduation from Lviv National Danylo Halytsky Medical University
    1997 – master’s Degree in Neurology
    Since 1998 – out-patient clinic neurologist
    2011 – higher category awarded

    Andriy Khomyk
    Andriy Khomyk
    dermatologist of higher qualification category

    Graduate of Lviv State Medical Institute.

    Total work experience – over 30 years.

    Primary place of work – Lviv Regional Communal Dermatology and Venereology Clinic.

    Nazarii Sidletskyi
    Nazarii Sidletskyi

    Trust earned by work!